GNU GLOBAL source code tagging system
DATE データ型、 COleDateTime クラスと同等だと思われます。
Visual c++ でTDateTime型を年月日に変換する方法がわからなかったので自分で作ってみました。
int cnt;
char datMon[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
int day = (int)time;
day -= 1;
cnt = 1900;
while (1) {
if (isLeapYear(cnt)) {
if (day <= 366) {
day -= 366;
} else {
if (day <= 365) {
day -= 365;
year = cnt;
datMon[1] += isLeapYear(cnt);
cnt = 0;
while (1) {
if (datMon[cnt++] < day) {
day -= datMon[cnt - 1];
} else {
mon = cnt;
mday = day;
int work = (int)(((double)time - (int)time) * 24 * 60 + 0.5);
hour = work / 60;
min = work % 60;
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Expressで作成しており
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 シリーズをインストールするか
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 再頒布可能パッケージ(いわゆる ランタイムライブラリ)
3つのdllを必要としています。>dumpbin /DEPENDENTS /IMPORTS Bollinger_Band_Width.dll Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 10.00.30319.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file Bollinger_Band_Width.dll File Type: DLL Image has the following dependencies: MSVCP100.dll MSVCR100.dll KERNEL32.dll Section contains the following imports: MSVCP100.dll 10003040 Import Address Table 10003618 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 28C ?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z MSVCR100.dll 10003048 Import Address Table 10003620 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 1C5 _amsg_exit 131 __CppXcptFilter 2B1 _initterm_e 221 _except_handler4_common 102 ?terminate@@YAXXZ EE ?_type_info_dtor_internal_method@type_info@@QAEXXZ 153 __clean_type_info_names_internal 2B0 _initterm 219 _encoded_null 334 _malloc_crt 3C9 _onexit 323 _lock 15B __dllonexit 48D _unlock 63 ??2@YAPAXI@Z 65 ??3@YAXPAX@Z 5C4 malloc 58B free 24 ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z 22 ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABQBD@Z 5D ??1exception@std@@UAE@XZ 10D ?what@exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ 1FB _crt_debugger_hook 5D3 memset 121 _CxxThrowException 13A __CxxFrameHandler3 11B _CIsqrt KERNEL32.dll 10003000 Import Address Table 100035D8 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference CA DecodePointer 2EC InterlockedExchange 279 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 1C1 GetCurrentProcessId 1C5 GetCurrentThreadId 293 GetTickCount 3A7 QueryPerformanceCounter 300 IsDebuggerPresent 4A5 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 4D3 UnhandledExceptionFilter 1C0 GetCurrentProcess 4C0 TerminateProcess 2E9 InterlockedCompareExchange 4B2 Sleep EA EncodePointer Summary 1000 .data 1000 .rdata 1000 .reloc 1000 .rsrc 2000 .text
MSVCP100.dll、MSVCR100.dllが不要となっています。>dumpbin /DEPENDENTS /IMPORTS Bollinger_Band_Width.dll Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 10.00.30319.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file Bollinger_Band_Width.dll File Type: DLL Image has the following dependencies: KERNEL32.dll Section contains the following imports: KERNEL32.dll 1000C000 Import Address Table 1000EA84 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 202 GetLastError 2CF HeapFree 2CB HeapAlloc EA EncodePointer CA DecodePointer 1C5 GetCurrentThreadId 186 GetCommandLineA 3B1 RaiseException 4C0 TerminateProcess 1C0 GetCurrentProcess 4D3 UnhandledExceptionFilter 4A5 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 300 IsDebuggerPresent 2CD HeapCreate 2CE HeapDestroy 245 GetProcAddress 218 GetModuleHandleW 119 ExitProcess 525 WriteFile 264 GetStdHandle 214 GetModuleFileNameW 4B2 Sleep 2D4 HeapSize 4C5 TlsAlloc 4C7 TlsGetValue 4C8 TlsSetValue 4C6 TlsFree 2EF InterlockedIncrement 473 SetLastError 2EB InterlockedDecrement 46F SetHandleCount 2E3 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 1F3 GetFileType 263 GetStartupInfoW D1 DeleteCriticalSection 213 GetModuleFileNameA 161 FreeEnvironmentStringsW 511 WideCharToMultiByte 1DA GetEnvironmentStringsW 3A7 QueryPerformanceCounter 293 GetTickCount 1C1 GetCurrentProcessId 279 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 339 LeaveCriticalSection EE EnterCriticalSection 33F LoadLibraryW 2D2 HeapReAlloc 418 RtlUnwind 172 GetCPInfo 168 GetACP 237 GetOEMCP 30A IsValidCodePage 32D LCMapStringW 367 MultiByteToWideChar 269 GetStringTypeW 304 IsProcessorFeaturePresent Summary 3000 .data 4000 .rdata 2000 .reloc 1000 .rsrc B000 .text
それよりも 再頒布可能パッケージをインストールしてなくてトラブルことのほうが問題です。
今後は できるだけ再頒布可能パッケージが不要のdllを販売していこうと思います。
EXPORT void __stdcall Calculate(int index) { char buf[255], i; unsigned short time[] = { PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_M5, PERIOD_M15, 30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1 }; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(time)/sizeof(short); i++) { sprintf(buf, "Bars()=%d, timeframe=%d, iTime(%d)=%f, iTime(%d)=%f", Bars(), time[i], index, iTime(Symbol(), time[i], index), index + 1, iTime(Symbol(), time[i], index + 1)); Print(buf); } }
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.335417, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:03:00 Bars()=1, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.335417, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.336111, iTime(1)=36894.335417
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:04:00 Bars()=2, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.336111, iTime(2)=36894.335417
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=36894.333333, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.336111
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:05:00 Bars()=3, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.336806, iTime(2)=36894.336111
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=36894.333333, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.338194, iTime(1)=36894.336806
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:00 Bars()=4, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.338194, iTime(1)=36894.336806
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:07:30 Bars()=4, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.338194, iTime(2)=36894.336806
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=36894.333333, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.338889, iTime(1)=36894.338194
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:00 Bars()=5, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.338889, iTime(1)=36894.338194
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:08:30 Bars()=5, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.338889, iTime(2)=36894.338194
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=36894.333333, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.339583, iTime(1)=36894.338889
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:00 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.339583, iTime(1)=36894.338889
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(5)=36894.335417, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(5)=0.000000, iTime(6)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(4)=36894.336111, iTime(5)=36894.335417
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(4)=0.000000, iTime(5)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(3)=36894.336806, iTime(4)=36894.336111
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(3)=0.000000, iTime(4)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(2)=36894.338194, iTime(3)=36894.336806
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(2)=0.000000, iTime(3)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(1)=36894.338889, iTime(2)=36894.338194
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(1)=36894.333333, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(1)=0.000000, iTime(2)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1, iTime(0)=36894.339583, iTime(1)=36894.338889
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=5, iTime(0)=36894.336806, iTime(1)=36894.333333
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=15, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=30, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=60, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=240, iTime(0)=36894.333333, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=1440, iTime(0)=36894.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
2001.01.03 08:09:30 Bars()=6, timeframe=10080, iTime(0)=36892.000000, iTime(1)=0.000000
TIndexBuffer を使用しない場合でも最低1つは作成して登録しておかないと駄目みたいです。
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00602E5E in module 'ForexTester.exe'. Read of address 00000008.
ds_ColoredCandles で4つのバッファを使用してロウソク足を表示できます。
library RousokuTest; uses SysUtils, Interfaces, DateUtils, graphics, IndicatorInterfaceUnit, TechnicalFunctions; var HIGH,LOW,OPEN,CLOSE: TIndexBuffer; procedure Init; stdcall; begin IndicatorShortName('Rousoku Test'); SetOutputWindow(ow_SeparateWindow); HIGH := CreateIndexBuffer; LOW := CreateIndexBuffer; OPEN := CreateIndexBuffer; CLOSE := CreateIndexBuffer; IndicatorBuffers(4); SetIndexBuffer(0, OPEN); SetIndexStyle(0, ds_None, psSolid, 1, clLime); SetIndexLabel(0, 'Up bar color'); SetIndexBuffer(1, HIGH); SetIndexStyle(1, ds_None, psSolid, 1, clBlack); SetIndexLabel(1, 'Up bar fill color'); SetIndexBuffer(2, LOW); SetIndexStyle(2, ds_None, psSolid, 1, clLime); SetIndexLabel(2, 'Down bar color'); SetIndexBuffer(3, CLOSE); SetIndexStyle(3, ds_ColoredCandles, psSolid, 1, clWhite); SetIndexLabel(3, 'Down bar fill color'); end; procedure Calculate(index: integer); stdcall; begin OPEN[index] := iOpen('USDJPY',TimeFrame,index); HIGH[index] := iHigh('USDJPY',TimeFrame,index); LOW[index] := iLow('USDJPY',TimeFrame,index); CLOSE[index] := iClose('USDJPY',TimeFrame,index); end; exports Init, Calculate; end.
4つ目のバッファだけに ds_ColoredCandles を指定したら表示できました。
USDJPY の始値、高値、安値、終値をバッファに設定していますが別の通貨の組み合わせを設定しても面白いかもしれません。
Forex Tester 2の購入はこちらから。
1つ目のバッファに ds_Fill を指定しても意味が無いようです。
Forex Tester 2の購入はこちらから。
library SymbolTest; uses SysUtils, Interfaces, DateUtils, graphics, IndicatorInterfaceUnit, TechnicalFunctions; var BUY: TIndexBuffer; SELL: TIndexBuffer; procedure Init; stdcall; begin IndicatorShortName('Symbol Test'); SetOutputWindow(ow_SeparateWindow); SetFixedMinMaxValues(-1, 24); SetEmptyValue(100); BUY := CreateIndexBuffer; SELL := CreateIndexBuffer; IndicatorBuffers(2); SetIndexBuffer(0, BUY); SetIndexStyle(0, ds_Symbol, psSolid, 1, clRed); SetIndexSymbol(0, 241, 0, 0); SetIndexBuffer(1, SELL); SetIndexStyle(1, ds_Symbol, psSolid, 1, clBlue); SetIndexSymbol(1, 242, 0, 0); end; procedure Calculate(index: integer); stdcall; begin if (BUY[index] < 24) or (SELL[index] < 24) then exit; if HourOf(Time(index)) = 1 then BUY[index] := 1; if HourOf(Time(index)) = 13 then BUY[index] := 13; if HourOf(Time(index)) = 7 then SELL[index] := 7; if HourOf(Time(index)) = 19 then SELL[index] := 19; end; exports Init, Calculate; end.
SetIndexSymbol関数の第2引数ではWingdings の文字が指定可能です。
Wingdings シンボル一覧
32 | ! 33 | " 34 | # 35 | $ 36 | % 37 | & 38 | ' 39 |
( 40 | ) 41 | * 42 | + 43 | , 44 | - 45 | . 46 | / 47 |
0 48 | 1 49 | 2 50 | 3 51 | 4 52 | 5 53 | 6 54 | 7 55 |
8 56 | 9 57 | : 58 | ; 59 | < 60 | = 61 | > 62 | ? 63 |
@ 64 | A 65 | B 66 | C 67 | D 68 | E 69 | F 70 | G 71 |
H 72 | I 73 | J 74 | K 75 | L 76 | M 77 | N 78 | O 79 |
P 80 | Q 81 | R 82 | S 83 | T 84 | U 85 | V 86 | W 87 |
X 88 | Y 89 | Z 90 | [ 91 | \ 92 | ] 93 | ^ 94 | _ 95 |
` 96 | a 97 | b 98 | c 99 | d 100 | e 101 | f 102 | g 103 |
h 104 | i 105 | j 106 | k 107 | l 108 | m 109 | n 110 | o 111 |
p 112 | q 113 | r 114 | s 115 | t 116 | u 117 | v 118 | w 119 |
x 120 | y 121 | z 122 | { 123 | | 124 | } 125 | ~ 126 | 127 |
€ 128 | 129 | ‚ 130 | ƒ 131 | „ 132 | … 133 | † 134 | ‡ 135 |
ˆ 136 | ‰ 137 | Š 138 | ‹ 139 | Œ 140 | 141 | Ž 142 | 143 |
144 | ‘ 145 | ’ 146 | “ 147 | ” 148 | • 149 | – 150 | — 151 |
˜ 152 | ™ 153 | š 154 | › 155 | œ 156 | 157 | ž 158 | Ÿ 159 |
160 | ¡ 161 | ¢ 162 | £ 163 | ¤ 164 | ¥ 165 | ¦ 166 | § 167 |
¨ 168 | © 169 | ª 170 | « 171 | ¬ 172 | 173 | ® 174 | ¯ 175 |
° 176 | ± 177 | ² 178 | ³ 179 | ´ 180 | µ 181 | ¶ 182 | · 183 |
¸ 184 | ¹ 185 | º 186 | » 187 | ¼ 188 | ½ 189 | ¾ 190 | ¿ 191 |
À 192 | Á 193 | Â 194 | Ã 195 | Ä 196 | Å 197 | Æ 198 | Ç 199 |
È 200 | É 201 | Ê 202 | Ë 203 | Ì 204 | Í 205 | Î 206 | Ï 207 |
Ð 208 | Ñ 209 | Ò 210 | Ó 211 | Ô 212 | Õ 213 | Ö 214 | × 215 |
Ø 216 | Ù 217 | Ú 218 | Û 219 | Ü 220 | Ý 221 | Þ 222 | ß 223 |
à 224 | á 225 | â 226 | ã 227 | ä 228 | å 229 | æ 230 | ç 231 |
è 232 | é 233 | ê 234 | ë 235 | ì 236 | í 237 | î 238 | ï 239 |
ð 240 | ñ 241 | ò 242 | ó 243 | ô 244 | õ 245 | ö 246 | ÷ 247 |
ø 248 | ù 249 | ú 250 | û 251 | ü 252 | ý 253 | þ 254 | ÿ 255 |
ds_Histogram では表示できました。
C:\ForexTester2\LOGS\ForexTester.log にも同じ内容が記録されます。
library HourDisp; uses SysUtils, Interfaces, DateUtils, graphics, IndicatorInterfaceUnit, TechnicalFunctions; var HOUR: TIndexBuffer; procedure Init; stdcall; begin print('initinit'); IndicatorShortName('Hour'); SetOutputWindow(ow_SeparateWindow); SetFixedMinMaxValues(-1, 24); SetEmptyValue(100); AddLevel(13, psDashDot, 1, clYellow); AddLevel(20, psDot, 1, clBlue); HOUR := CreateIndexBuffer; IndicatorBuffers(1); SetIndexBuffer(0, HOUR); end; procedure Calculate(index: integer); stdcall; begin if HOUR[index] < 24 then exit; HOUR[index] := HourOf(Time(index)); print('index='+IntToStr(index)+ ' | HOUR[2]='+FloatToStr(HOUR[2])+ ' | HOUR[1]='+FloatToStr(HOUR[1])+ ' | HOUR[0]='+FloatToStr(HOUR[0])); end; exports Init, Calculate; end.
if HOUR[index] < 24 then exit;
01 | 2025/02 | 03 |
S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |